François Marie Firmin-Girard

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Marie Francois Firmin-Girard was born in Ponsin (Ain) 0n May 29, 1838died in Monti­on on January 8, 1921. Firmin-Girard's arrival in Paris on October 1854 to enroll at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts could not have been at a better time. At a surprisingly early age, Firmin-Girard became a frequent the ateliers of GleyreG³rªme. The acceptance of academic genre, landscapes, historical subjectsportraits were at their all time height when, Firmin-Girard debuted at the Paris Salon of 1859 with Saint S³bastian. Firmin-Girard would continue to exhibit at the Salons with incredible praise for his fine genre, historical landscapesportraits. He would win the prix de Rome in 1861was awarded medals at the Salon of 1863 for Apres de bal, Mort de la princess de Lamballe (1865), Marchande de fleurs (1872), Toilette japonaise (1873), R³verie, Les fianc³, la peche (1874, second class medal). Additional no paintingssuccesses were Noce au XVIII si³cle, (1879), Bapt³me au XVIII si³cle (1883), Boeufs charolais au ferrage (1886), Un puits mitoyen (1890), Sur la terrasse, à Onival (1896), Le carreau des halles (1901), Chàteau de Gatelier, autumne (1905), Boulangerie charolaise, Int³rieur picard (1908)Les gaufres (1909). He was awarded a bronze medal at the l'Exposition Universelle of 1900 with Le Quai aux FleursBerger d'Onival. Firmin-Girard became one of the most notedsuccessful painters in Paris during his life

Fonte: Itaú Cultural